shipping-container homes

What Are The Benefits of Using Eco-friendly Shipping Container Homes?

Studios, condos, apartments, and whatnot. People are looking for many locations where they can stay and move on with their lives. However, recently there has been a rise in the concern over many environmental factors.

Also, people are becoming aware of the environment-friendly equipment more than ever. This is the primary reason people across the states are trying to reduce the amount of carbon footprint in order to save the planet Earth using the recycling of the materials. This has led to an increase in the demand for eco-friendly shipping container homes in New Mexico and other cities and counties.

Here’s how eco-friendly shipping containers homes can be beneficial nowadays.
  • Strength

This is one of the most ignored advantages of using shipping containers homes. They are known for having the properties of durability as well. Reason being, they resist the pressure while being shipped via cargo or ships.

Hence, they can be amazing when it comes to building homes using such containers.

Pro-Tip– To maintain the durability of these containers try not to cut much of the steel from the containers. Removing such things might affect the integrity of the structure. Also, you are required to maintain the structure in such a way that you would be able to prevent it from rusting.

  • Off-site Construction

This is one other advantage of using the container homes where you can get your containers assembled in any off-site, and again get it delivered to the place where you wish to move in. This particular property of an eco-friendly shipping container home helps people living in the areas which are particularly off the grid.

You can transport the finished home at the location you are looking to stay. So, this is helpful in cases where brick and mortar buildings are unable to get build.

  • Eco-friendly

According to a survey more than 400,000 containers are being discarded or abandoned. So, recycling such materials can help to prevent scraping off places for building materials. Hence, conservation can be done very easily by recycling more than 17,000kg of steel used in such abandoned containers.

Along with that, you can create or include solar panels with adding rainwater collection, vegetable gardens into the finished homes to add a bit of environment in your furnished shipping container home as well.

  • Portable

For this feature to actually work for you, you need to take care of the following things first.

  • Don’t ever try to weld the containers, instead go for bolts.
  • Try to minimize the number of containers. This will help to reduce the cutting off of the steel which might reduce the structural integrity of the containers used for building homes.
  • Fast Building Time Frame

Eco-friendly shipping container homes can be made from a scratch extremely fast. Reason being, shipping container homes have walls, floors, and ceiling. The only thing that it requires is usually insulation and beautify them as per the client’s wishes.

To quote an example, Graceville container house was built within a period of 2 years using around 31 containers which is equivalent to approx. 6000 sq. feet area construction made possible within just 2 days.

Amazing! Isn’t it?

  • Style

Shipping container homes are often very unique, of course, because of their distinct looks. Plus, they have rugged and modern looks. Also, you can change the shape and style of the container as per your requirements.

You can change the outer appearance with the help of external cladding. These additional features can add to the insulation of your shipping container home as well.

While all these things look great or amazing at first instance, there are some additional requirements for using eco-friendly shipping container homes.

  • First and foremost is applying for documentation as per the construction regulations. It will often depend on the area you are trying to build your container home. You need to make the officials approve the building materials. Along with that, a permit is required for building such structures as well.

Tip- Check for the permits and documentation with your zone authorities before starting any construction.

  • Another thing is looking for experienced construction workers which can help you build such structures into a beautiful home. This might be a tedious task as well. As only a few companies are related to such construction.

You can Google “ shipping container homes in New Mexico” or other phrases to get the best results. However, look for reviews before finalizing any contractor.

Building eco-friendly shipping container homes are easy and affordable. However, be always ready with all the paperwork before starting anything.